Introducing Seraph - All your code snippets in one single place. 🤖 (First Blog)

Never stress about keeping snippets again😜

Introducing Seraph - All your code snippets in one single place. 🤖 (First Blog)



What is this ?

Seraph is a code snippets sharing platform that allows users to create snippets easily. Users can upload multiple files and share them through various social media platforms. Seraph makes it easy for you to organize your code snippets, making your life easier.

Screenshot (4).png


The reason behind this application was to have my own custom place for keeping important findings. I normally come across various code snippets online, I can hardly remember where I last saw any of them. I created Seraph so I wouldn't have to worry about when and where I saw any important code snippet. I also tend to share a lot of files with my friends when we are creating apps together. Seraph was created to make this easier.


Seraph comes packed with tons of features. Some of them haven't been fully implemented yet, as this is a work in progress. But for now, here are a few:

  • File upload 🗃️
  • Download uploaded snippets ⬇️
  • Support for various file types 🦖
  • Syntax Highlighting for a wide range of files 🧊
  • Sharing on Twitter, Telegram, Reddit etc. 🐧
  • Public and Private snippets 🗝️
  • Preview uploaded files with highlighting 🆙
  • Edit uploaded files before creating snippet ✏️
  • Dark Mode (so you don't blame me for your eyes) 🌑🕶️
  • ...and many more to come 🛣️

Tech Stack

  • NextJS
  • ReactJS
  • Chakra UI
  • TypeScript
  • Postgres (Database)


  • Vercel
  • Docker
  • Railway (Database Hosting)

Last words

I hope you liked my app and found it useful and interesting. Please do well to star on GitHub and contribute also. Have a wonderful day. Cheers!